Western Confab Engineers
We are devoted to comply with requirements and to continually improve the effectiveness of our Quality of work.
Our Vision
Our vision is to create a culture within our company that will in turn create quality-minded employees and also to provide expertise in construction project, to ensure each client receives the most effective and economical solution through quality work in each and every job.
We believed in the Great God Shri Vishwakarma, creator of cities and structures on the earth. The Deva’s architect.
Our Mission

Strategic mission is to participate and grow in rapidly changing environment in terms of its global operations, large investments in infrastructure development, and many more of Indian Construction Industry.

Exceptional performance in all aspects of our industry.

Our motto is, “Continuously try to improve upon industry standards”.

Our Values
  • Trust
  • We attempt to give every employee the freedom and the responsibility to do their job, to make our clients successful, and to create opportunity.

  • Individual Initiative
  • We are spread out, and often closer to our clients, our problems and our opportunities than we are to each other. So we value those who can act quickly, intelligently, profitably, in the interests of our clients and the company.

  • Long-lasting Relationship
  • We value the importance of our relationships and will continue to remain fair and true in our dealings with all employees, clients, vendors, and partners.

  • Pride
  • Our clients count on our dependability, our drive, and our integrity. We take great pride in our accomplishments and build on them every day.

  • Commitment (Time - Cost - Quality - Technology)
  • We believed in Time - Cost - Quality - Technology (TCQT) commitment, to deliver high-quality, cost-effective projects on schedule by employing technology and supporting motivated, flexible, and focused teams.

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